Entrance As we shift some of these review back to our neighbors upstairs, Canada, this is a way to introduce myself. Hi, my name is Danny, I'm a Panda, and I'm also a Hockey fan. Growing up in the United States, before becoming a foodie, a "gourmand," I've always been what you call a sport nut. I love Baseball, Football, Basketball, and heck, even NASCAR, but in the past 3-4 years, the sport that I've been following primarily has been Hockey, and my San Jose Sharks. All this was probably due to the nightly hockey conversation with my buddy Samuel, a hockey fanatic from Canada. One of the main reasons I decided on adding Toronto to our Canadian tour wasn't due to its food, but for me, selfishly, I wanted to see the National Hockey Hall of Fame. It's like going to Graceland for them Elvis fans. Here we go: Shot from Entrance Located underground in a small shopping center, the Hockey Hall of Fame was neatly tucked in a corner, though the Hall of Fame inte...
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