Dinosaur BBQ - Rawr! Quick Stop in USA (Rochester, NY)

Outside shot of Dinosaur BBQ

Dinosaur BBQ

After our stop at Niagara Falls and Tim Hortons, my travel companions and I made a run for the border and came back to the good ol' US of A. Originally, we were planning a stop in Buffalo for some wings, but since we had already tried some at Duff's in Toronto, we instead located a BBQ restaurant in Rochester to get our grub on!


Dining Room

Upon entering the restaurant, we were greeted with numerous bikers chillin' on the patio outside Dinosaur BBQ, quite an intimidating sight. As we spoke to the hostess about getting a seat, we were told it'll be a wait in the upwards of 90mins. It looked like eating at Dinosaur BBQ would be an even bigger intimidating sight! Fear not, our trusty hostess pointed us to the To-Go counter where we could eat some tasty BBQ in the comforts of our homes. While we don't know where to take our food, we knew we had to get in line, stat! So now, what to order......

Pulled Pork Sandwich (I believe)

Pulled Pork Sandwich

One of my friends went with the pulled pork sandwich. Looked like a great choice as he chowed down hungrily at the sandwich!

MmmmmBeef Brisket Sandwich

Brisket Sandwich

I, on the otherhand, went with the beef brisket sandwich. Tender, juicy, and 100% effing delicious! Us hungry travelers destroyed those sandwiches in a matter of minutes.

Mashed Potatoes and crazy, pasta salad, and rice & gravy

Top: Crazy Pasta Salads, Left: Mashed Potatoes & Gravy Right: Dirty Rice

Another shot of my 2 sides

My 2 sides of: Mac 'N Cheese and Green Bean Salad

We can't forget the sides, right? I enjoyed both of the ones I picked. Mac 'N Cheese and some cool salad to finish off the meal. I love a good BBQ!

I loved my Jolt!

And I washed everything down with a Jolt! Why can't we find some Jolt drinks in California?? This one bottle kept me up from Rochester to Montreal! Yes, this Cherry Bomb, was da Bomb!

Eh, so where did we eat our meal you ask? Well, look no further than outdoor benches at the Rochester Public Library:

Rochester Public Library

As the three of us continued our journey into Montreal, we bid au revoir to Rochester as we jetted toward Montreal, the home of the poutine!

Crossing the US/Canada border

Yes, even though the border patrol officer gave us, three Asian Dudes from California that were driving a Cool *barf* PT Cruiser a lot of shit, we still love you America! Yes officer, smirk all you want when we told you we're Computer Engineers and a Stockbroker. Be an Asshole! We were only coming back to America for the BBQ!

Final Rating: 7.5 out of 10

99 Court St
Rochester, NY 14604
(585) 325-7090
Official Website


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